Theory of Change is to make “everyone a changemaker.” To help create a world where everyone has the freedom, confidence, and skills to turn challenges into solutions. This allows each person the fullest, richest life.
Identifying and supporting the world’s leading social entrepreneurs, learns from the patterns in their innovations, and mobilizes a global community that embraces these new frameworks to build an “everyone a changemaker world.”
Finding and cultivating social entrepreneurs in every corner of the world, whose system-changing innovations solve deep-rooted social problems. We inspire and enable changemaking in the public-at-large, and work to give all citizens the confidence and tools to solve problems for the good of all. Specifically, we focus on preparing the next generation to navigate this rapidly-changing world by ensuring all young people have the critical skills they need.
Shifting mindsets and reshaping how we learn, work, and live together to catalyse changemaking for the good of society. We partner with schools, universities, corporations, citizen sector organizations, media, and other influencers to co-lead this movement.
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