Showing 13–24 of 53 results

  • Personal Development


    To the person who believes there’s more to the human experience than meets the eye…

    Everywhere you go, you’re interacting with an invisible world.

    For instance even though you can’t see them, you’re surrounded by invisible radio waves. Television programs being beamed right through you. And cell phone waves and wifi.

    You know these invisible frequencies are real …

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  • Transformational Learning

    Ego & the Authentic Self

    Our world is in crisis, and crisis is the driver of change.
    Here we explore the route to positive changes through unleashing our innate potential.
    Part 1 – How the EGO impacts on our life
    Part 2 – The Authentic Self – who you are at the core

    Rick is a trusted advisor, facilitating wiser, more intelligent behaviours, born out of consciousness.

    His approach is …

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  • T3

    Eres Extraordinario

    ¿Sientes que no creces ni evolucionas a tu máximo potencial?

    ¿Tienes un sueño u objetivo que al parecer no puedes alcanzar a pesar de tus mejores esfuerzos?

    ¿Y al parecer muchos de los libros y programas que estudias no te otorgan los avances totales, duraderos y transformadores que ansías?

    Muchos de los estudiantes de crecimiento personal pasan todas sus vidas sin nunca realmente …

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  • T3


    El programa de certificación Purpose Launchpad Essentials tiene como objetivo proporcionar una primera inmersión al framework Purpose Launchpad, lo que te permitirá entender su potencial y aplicarlo para evaluar la fase de tus iniciativas innovadoras y entender cómo gestionarlas adecuadamente para maximizar su impacto positivo en el mundo y en los resultados esperados.

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  • Transformational Learning

    Forbidden Science

    According to the evidence, it appears our Universe is alive and intelligent (just like us), and that we aren’t the result of random mutations after all. For the first time, enough evidence has emerged to give us a clearer picture than we’ve ever had before of who we truly are and why we are here.

    Recent scientific breakthroughs suggest …

    Sold By : BB4Planet
  • Personal Development

    Gregg Braden

    Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, scientist, international educator and renowned as a pioneer in the emerging paradigm based in science, spirituality, social policy and human potential.

    From 1979 to 1991 Gregg worked as a problem solver during times of crisis for Fortune 500 companies, including Cisco Systems, where he became the first Technical Operations Manager in 1991. He …

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  • Transformational Learning

    Humanity’s team

    Typical education programs teach a skill to be used in very specific situations.

    Humanity’s Team programs instill a state of being applicable to each moment of every situation.
    We focus on providing translations of universal truths, rooted in perspectives ranging from mysticism to science.

    Our mission is to awaken the world to oneness in this generation, and these courses offer excellent paths for …

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  • Broadcast

    Humanity’s Team Talks

    In each episode, we’ll bring you important content around the timeless truth of Oneness—shared over millennia by spiritual mystical traditions and affirmed by modern science—an essential truth to embrace as we continue responding to the world’s most chronic and acute challenges.

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  • Profile


    Our most popular program, the Golden Path is made up of 3 courageous journeys that will expand your mind and open your heart to undreamed of possibilities. The Golden Path Series will change the way you see the world.

    Part 1 shows you a clear route to living a life with a deep sense of purpose through tackling your challenges head-on and …

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  • Broadcast


    Get to know the more human aspect of every product, service and organization within the Gaia community. We´ll be interviewing the people behind all initiatives to share their stories. We´ll be shooting short videos to get a first touch of their purpose and their why. Gaia community will pick the ones they want to know more about to get their …

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  • Profile

    Jackie Jenks

    Leapfrog Mountain is led by Jackie Jenks OBE and backed by a team of specialist trainers whose expertise covers areas from mentoring, personal skills and development through to varied enterprise/enterprise support disciplines.

    ​Jackie is an award winning enterprise ambassador who is recognised by the UK Government as a mentoring and training specialist. She has worked in the banking and teaching industries …

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  • T3


    Positive Impact Leader es un programa orientado a líderes de organizaciones que tratan de mejorar y evolucionar su negocio a través del cambio cultural de sus equipos y la innovación disruptiva. El programa se centra en cómo aprovechar Purpose Launchpad para crear el entorno adecuado y aportar el rigor necesario en las organizaciones a fin de traducir el propósito en impacto positivo en el negocio y …

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